No matter what style of brow you desire, you will achieve a fuller looking more defined shape with our range of cosmetic solutions.

Brow Design Brisbane

Eyebrow design

The ultimate brow team to help you design and grow your brows naturally

Treatment Time 15 minutes

Eye Brow Tint

Eyebrow tint

Define your eyebrow design without having to get it tattooed

Treatment Time 15 minutes

Henna Brows

Henna Brow

Get Instagram eyebrows without faking it with our Henna Brow treatment.

Treatment Time 60 minutes

Eyelash Tint Brisbane

Eyelash tint

Get dark eyelashes without having to apply layers of mascara

Treatment Time 30 minutes

Eyelash Tint Brisbane

Eyelash lift

Get lash extensions without having to get lash extensions

Treatment Time 60 minutes

Eyebrow design, tint with lash tint

Eyebrow design, tint with lash tint

The Ultimate Trio

Treatment Time 60 minutes